In Finland, there are a few fantastic salmon fishing spots. More Atlantic salmon are caught in River Teno than in any other salmon river in the world. The River Tornionjoki is Europe’s largest totally wild salmon river, with fish averaging 6 to 8 kilos in size.
River Teno on the border between Finland and Norway is the most prolific salmon river in Europe and famed for its big salmon, weighing more than 15 kilos. The largest specimens weigh over 20 kilos. Salmon catches on River Tornionjoki have improved since use of drift-nets was prohibited in the Baltic Sea in 2008. River Tornionjoki yields plenty of 10-to-20-kilo catches.
The largest game fish also weigh over 10 kilos on River Näätämöjoki. River Simojoki is the smallest salmon river, where only fly-fishing is allowed. On other rivers, salmon are pursued both by casting from the banks and by trolling on a rowing boat.
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